To Be The Best That I Can Be
To be number one, train like you’re number two
Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not promised, you only [...]

Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.

Arm lock
Student Adam was very excited to begin TaeKwon-Do classes.
– Adam Welch
Now that Jillian is a Black Belt she thinks back to a wonderful beginning.
– Jillian Welch
Jasmine is half way to Black Belt. “This is Fun”
– Jasmine Welch
“We never thought the classes would lead to championships.”
– Jillian & Jasmine Welch

I am a special education teacher and I teach grades kindergarten through second grade. My students are challenged with behavior disorders. Therefore, my students require an environment that is safe, nurturing and structured. Earlier this year, one of my students joined Omar Welch Taekwondo class. Ever since, this student has made remarkable improvements in class. This particular student is now an active leader in our class and the most improved student this year. Taekwondo also offers an inviting and safe environment for students. In addition, it has offered the students the opportunity to enhance their self-esteem and build confidence. Mr. Omar Welch has taught my student how to develop self-discipline by thoroughly training the techniques of Taekwondo. Thanks to Omar Welch, my student continues to make successful strides academically and behaviorally.
From a parent..
“He loved that no one treated him different!!! It goes to show what an amazing environment of grace, discipline and love that you provide!!! It offers growth for everyone at “their” own pace. Thank you!!!”
“ I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times ”